Anita’s Oven Roasted Potato Chips With Yogurt Dip
Healthy chips to your kids. Baked in no time. Spend less time cooking and sit with the family.
2 Organic russet potatoes
2 Tablespoon Olive Oil
½ Teaspoon thyme, ground
1 Teaspoon Kosher salt
½ Teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
½ Cup plain nonfat yougurt
½ Teaspoon dried mint
1. Preheat oven to 375° Fahrenheit and place unpeeled potatoes, sliced thinly with a mandolin, if you have it; otherwise use a very sharp knife.
2. Toss potatoe chips with olive oil, and lay them uniformly on a baking sheet.
3. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and ground thyme.
4. Roast chips for about 15 minutes.
5. Rotate chips pan to let them cook evenly for another 5-8 minutes or until golden brown and crispy.
6. Remove from oven, sprinkle again with a little kosher salt.
7. Let them rest. As they rest in the same pan will continue to crisp up.
8. Ready to serve with plain nonfat yougurt mix with ½ teaspoon dried mint for a very refreshing taste. Enjoy!
Note: Also, fresh mint or fresh rosemary could be used in the dip with the zest of lemons.