Anita’s Super Fast and Delicious Roasted Zucchini Orzo Pasta

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12 ounces uncooked Orzo Pasta

3 Tablespoon extra virgin Olive Oil

1 large red onion, diced

4 Zucchini, half moon cut

2 Tablespoon lemon juice

1 Tablespoon marinara sauce (see my recipe)

1 Tablespoon oregano, ground

2 diced tomatoes

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

1 teaspoon granulated garlic

2 garlic cloves, minced


  1. Bring water to boil over high-heat. Stir in orzo pasta and cooked uncovered for about 10 to 12 minutes or according to package instructions. Drain well.orzo cooking2. Heat oven at 400 grade Fahrenheit and roast zucchini, diced red onions. Drizzle with olive oil. Add minced garlic, and seasoned with salt, pepper, grind oregano and granulated garlic powder. Add marinara sauce. Toss all ingredients. Roast in a baking pan until tender for about 30 minutes. Set aside. zuchini and red onions roasted for orzo3.  Incorporate roasted zucchini, red onions  into the orzo pasta, and fresh tomatoes. Toss well. Squeeze half of a lemon juice over mixed pasta. Enjoy!orzo in plate pic2
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