Anita’s Best Atayef with Ashta(Pancakes filled with Cream-Ashta)

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Lebanese pancakes-dessert lightly yeasted and cooked on only one side. Filled with a reached ,creamy custard drizzled with a floral  perfumed rose and orange blossoms waters. When you try these pancakes you won’t want to go back to Regular ones.Gone in 50 seconds by my husband!

Ingredients for the Batter:

2 cups All-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon dried active yeast, dissolved into 1/4 warm water

1 Tablespoon sugar

2 cups warm water

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon Rose water(see my site for recipe)

Prepare the Batter:

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Let batter rest over the counter uncovered for 3 hours.

Atayef dough is readyAfter 3 hours when bubbles come out. Dough is ready!

To Make the Atayef(Pancake)

Pour using 1/3 of a measurement cup at medium heat over a non-stick greased pan. Cook on one side only.


Atayef is ready to remove from panBubbles rise up and the surface of atayef (pancake) has dried out. Ready to be removed from the pan.

Atayef are cool and ready to filled up

Cream Ashta:

Place in a saucepan 2 cups of whole milk, 1 1/2 cup of heavy cream and 6 Tablespoon of corn starch dissolved into a little milk. Add 1 teaspoon of Orange Blossom. Mix all ingredients except cornstarch.. Heat milk mixture at medium heat stirring constantly. When cream starts to boil, lower heat and add the dissolved cornstarch. Keep stirring until cream thickens. Pour over a bowl covered with plastic and let it cool completely  in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

Atayef are cool too and ready to be filled with a creamy Ashta ,sticking together only from one side and pistachios are sprinkled or dipped on top of Ashta. Drizzle with floral syrup (see Syrup-Atur-recipe on my site) Enjoy next to a cup of Tea sweetened with this delicious syrup.

Garnish on top with Maraschino Cherries.Could be also filled with walnuts, hazelnut spread, jelly ….Enjoy!



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