Anita’s Lebanese Manoushe with Kishk and Za’atar

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Kishk: A vegetarian, simple and delicious mixture  of yoghurt and ground fine bulgur prepared by a very special community in Lebanon. A historical and touch to the heart dish, specially when the ingredients comes right from its origin.

Zaa’tar: Healthy, rich mix of spices that commonly include dried thyme, ground sumac, sesame seeds, marjoram and salt. “The best morning fuel that wake up our brain”.zaatar with mint plate new pic

Pizza Dough (see post on Anita’s Family Organic Dough Recipe)

Kishk Topping:

1 Red onion, small diced

2 cups Kishk

1/2 to 1  cup extra virgin olive oil

4 Tablespoon toasted sesame seeds

3 Tablespoon tomato paste

1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

Note: Kishk is available online or homemade.

Preparation for Topping

  1. Mix Kishk with extra virgin olive oil, add tomato paste and mix well until kishk have absorbed all ingredients and has an even red color.
  2. Add red pepper flakes, and sesame seeds. Set aside
  3. Prepare your pizza dough See post on organic pizza dough)
  4. Top with Kishk mixture. Enjoy for breakfast, lunch or even dinner !

Kishk before baking

Preparation for Zaa’tar Topping:

Dough( See post on Anita’s Family Organic Pizza Dough Recipe)

Mix 1 cup of Zaatar with 1/4 cup of extra Virgen Olive oil. Add some small diced onions. Top pizzas, spread your bread… Enjoy next to tomatoes, mint, labneh, olives or have it as a Zaatar sandwich! Yummy!!zaatar fatayer


Make your Zaatar pizza into an open face sandwich. Delicious!


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